Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Things we notice

It is interesting what we notice from our apartment and on the way home...So I was coming home with my wonderful roommate Jessica, I love her to pieces. And we notice a certain guy waiting in his car, and this awesome girl comes walking out of her apartment crying... and we notice that this isn't the first time that this has happened. We both feel so sick about the situation, but we do not know the entire story. What do you think we should do? Should we just stay out of it or should we try to help in some way? We are at a loss in what to do, we are taught to love each other and help those in need but what do we do?

Monday, November 1, 2010

New Week

well so far this week is 100 times better than last week. Yes I have had my moments where I have been wow I am an idiot, but then I have had some glorious moments. I have managed to get all of my homework done and still have time to actually breathe :) ah yes I know college life is about being stressed and experiencing life but it is also where we take our breathing moments :) We had FHE tonight at our Bishops house and it was pretty fun, and I was able to actually talk to the guy that I think is cute and not sound like a complete idiot :) thankfully I had some senses about me today. So as of now the week is treating me well :)...let's see how the rest of the week goes.