This week has been eventful well kind of. Hhahaha lets see I haven't really done much of anything. I have gotten back in contact with some friends that I haven't spoken to in a while. It was really nice to see them. School is buggin me out but, oh man I can make it through :) I am going to make it :) Well I am off to conquer the world! hahahahahaha
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
So I am feeling kind of Blah lately, not exactly sure why. I think there are a few things making me feel like this. Grrr... Well anyway my baby sister got diagnosed with MS and I am really sad that I am not there to help her with what she is going through. I miss her so much! "We all have trials in our lives, this is just one of mine." that is what she keeps telling us. She has such a positive out look on life, it is an inspiration to me.
I am in Idaho, and am feeling useless with this entire thing. I know the Lord will take care of her and keep her safe, but I do wish I could be there.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Never thought I would..
So I decided to get a new hobby the other day, and I decided that I was going to paint. Random I know but, I needed a new hobby besides reading and being anti-social. So now I PAINT :) funny huh?? Who knew I would like it so much :) So I started this painting on Saturday and am just about finished with it today :) It doesn't look to bad either. It is kinda funny how things work out. I am developing my talents that I never knew I had. Interesting how life works.... we have trials thrust upon us and they make us branch out in ways we never thought we could. I am thankful for this branch that I have found :)
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Movie Night :)
So last night I went to the movies with my heaven buddies Andie and Jordan. We saw "Whip it" it was amazing!! Loved it!! It was a good escape that we all needed :) But before I went with them I had to go down to Idaho Falls and get a book for my class. It was the fastest trip I have ever gone on to IF and gone into Barnes & Noble. I was in there only like five minutes its was crazy. LOL but, my roommate Alexis came with me! It was good to talk to her and catch up on everything with her. Love that girl!!!!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Falling on the Ice....OUCH
So this is my second winter up here in good ol' Rexburg and I have managed to keep my balance until last night. Here is how the story begins...I was at the gym with Andie and Jordan my Heaven Buddies and we finished our work-out, and then we are on our way home, tired might I remind you. Hahaha so we are walking home, laughing and just messing around, not paying attention to what is on the sidewalk; because sidewalks are supposed to be safe right....WRONG! Not in Rexburg, the sidewalks are a menace!! So I hit the patch of ice, slip catch myself and then WAM! another sneaky patch of Ice and down I go.......BAM! So then we are laughing at the fact that I just fell.. when I look around and there are three guys behind me......ugh! and to make it better they are in my ward... oh the luck I have.... hahahhahahahaa
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Blow drying my window adventure number one! hahaha
SO the adventure begins....I am back in Rexburg and it is amazing :) hahaha yes I said it Amazing. The semester has just begun and it is promising. I am so excited for the adventures that await! YaY!! comes adventure number one for ya.. SO my window in my room was frozen shut and when I say frozen I mean FROZEN, like in order for me to open it I would need to chisel the ice off inorder to open it a crack. So anyway, my room has been really hot for some reason my heater has been off yet my room is like a boiler room! nasty! So i decided I wanted my window open so I go and try to use my brute strenght to get it open, needless to say that didn't work.. DANG. What do I do now?? A BLOW DRYER WOULD DO THE TRICK!! yes!! that is what went through my head. So I go and get my blow dryer and start blow drying my window, yes blow drying my window you read it correctly. My roommate is just laughing at me while I do it to. I guess living with me you get free entertainment as well as random adventures. YAY!